Please note that all orders must be submitted by 12 NOON PST to be shipped same business day. Should you place your order after noon PST, your items will be shipped the following business day.
ALL ORDERS ARE SHIPPED EXPEDITED OR EXPRESS and arrival times are estimated to be between 2-7 days from your order date. We Got the Goods is not responsible for any lost or stolen mail items, however, should you have any issues please contact us. It is important for us to help resolve any issues you may have.
Should you be unsatisfied with a product please email us within 14 days of the date you received your order to arrange a settlement. Our goal is the make sure you are happy with any purchase made with We Got the Goods. We do not take returns or exchanges on a usual circumstance, however, there are situations where exceptions are made. All returns and exchanges are approved upon the discretion of the manager.